I have always cherished Angels
With a childlike love
I did not ask why
I just knew
they were around me
And came from above
Guardian Angels surround us
We all have many here
You are never alone
You may not see them
But they never disappear
They walk with us
And guide
Not a shadow but light
Just learn to tap into
your intuitive voice
To go left or go right
You have free will
it's always your choice
Just give it a try
Ask the Angels to send
You a sign that they
Are near
And patiently wait
For a message
That’s clear
Perhaps you will see
a white feather
A coin or the same time
on the clock or
repeating numbers
Are always a sign
The Angels’ timing is divine
Ask for all green lights
When you drive down the street
Or ask for a parking spot
When it appears
It is quite lovely and sweet
Songs on the radio
Being played and heard
At the exact time you were thinking
of a loved one who’s gone
And your heart has been stirred
All will happen
when the timing is right
Remember to ask for help
From the Angels
When you lay down your
Head on your pillow at night
Of course you can
Ask for help in the day
The Angels will guide you
And show you the way
My communication with the Angels
Each day becomes more clear
I stop and I listen
For the messages they send
They are sometimes in thought
Or sometimes they sing in my ear
The angelic realm
is a mystical place
One I am strongly connected to
And perhaps
how I got the nickname