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Be the Ripple andPresence of Love

I invite in the magical messenger and scribe of the universe, Archangel Gabriel. Her energy is the color of an aqua waterfall flowing through me for me as I ask her to kindly escort my ego to the side as the flow of loving messages pour through me. When I call on one Angel they all come. Thank you.

Archangel Gabriel please remind me to be the loving pebble in the pond and radiate love from my center out into the world. All energy is connected. How I show up in the world and what kind of energy I put out there is what comes back to me. Everything is a reflection.

We are here always in all ways and so we begin to open the channel and flow on the current of grace, fullness, sound, light, and love eternally and ever-lasting. We are present and in the flow.

It is in the knowing that what was once hidden shall be revealed in all things. Nothing is as it seems. Plant your feet, root down, and connect to the loving current of Mother Earth's loving energy. Her energy is of the heart. Her energy is rising, swirling, and filled with a deep love for her children of earth. All is well. All is in alignment. Anchor in your breath and lift up your vibration into the spirit of oneness, the allness and the isness (the state of being of the universe).

It is with great importance to understand the powerful alchemical transmission coming through you dear one from the divine feminine and putting words onto the paper from the divine masculine. Their energies work in harmony, united, and flowing together for you to discover what is at hand.

Do not be discouraged or deceived by the happenings around the globe. All is held in divine order and being orchestrated in highest love for the betterment of humanity and the earth herself. Everything is in order underneath the chaos. No fear. Only love.

Invite in a grounding practice with breathwork, yoga, qi gong, and a daily devotional practice. Tune in and follow the gentle language of your heart and feel into her subtle whispers. Open to the wisdom of the heart and her power to stand in the truth that resonates your being and create something wonderful that brings you joy and the freedom to be who you are.

Always meet the day grounded by Mother Earth and stand tall in your awakened state of flow and connection to this great universe. Stand in peace and calm as the dualities swirl a frenzied energy from all who inhabit the planet that are not awake and are trying desperately to control all that is forever changing and cannot be controlled. Let go of control and negative thoughts. Surrender to the guidance of your soul. Stay in the present moment. Make peace with what is.

All things happen together in a continuous dance of an ever-changing blueprint as all awaken to their unique and spiritual gifts and potential in their own time. Their eternal knowing is being stirred awake from eons of slumber and veiled awareness.

Breathe and be in the allowing of each individual to gently and naturally unfurl like the new bright green leaf in the picture. Unfurl towards the light of your own evolution.

Each one of us is connected directly to the unconditional love from Source/God/Universe. Do not concern yourself with anyone else's growth.

When we judge others or need others to be on the same trajectory of spiritual growth as ours, we dull down our own powerful connection to Source.

We build trust in our own connection, our all-loving and powerful connection without needing anyone else to change. Everyone is playing their own divine role. (This was a great reminder for me.)

No more hiding...we say unto you at this time. No more aggression. No more fear. No more war. No more lack. No more poverty. Only love.

You cannot predict what has been orchestrated by your very own Soul's evolution. You are always lovingly held, guided, and protected whilst you play this role in your life that you have created and continue to create with your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Raise your consciousness with gratitude, forgiveness, and love.

Play on. Play through. Open, open, open and merge into oneness. We are here always in all ways waiting patiently to connect with you dear ones. We merge and bring forth messages into your conscious awareness. Angel wings are wrapped around you holding you in the most loving embrace. There is nothing to worry about all is held in divine order.

Step out, step up, step into your ability to transmute lower vibrations and call on and invite in your Angels, Guides, the Ascended Masters, the Beings of Light, and your highest self (Soul) for assistance in how best to navigate your journey on planet earth during this time of great transformation. Ask your team in heaven to lift you up and squeeze out anything and everything that is less than love and thank them.

We are here to be joyful, grateful, and loving beings of light. We are eternal. We are powerful. We are sovereign beings.

Angelic messages surround you in all times past, present, and future...although we giggle at your thoughts of time. There is no such thing in the universe as linear time.

You are loved.


2 comentarios

Dearest Angela, your channeled words are so profound… I feel the goosebumps of Highest Truth in my body when I read this text, so awesome! I LOVE you and your writings beyond what words can express. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being you. Thank you for bringing forth your valuable spiritual gifts and sharing them with us, your readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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Angie - When your posts come through, I shut it down and dive in. Thank you! For giving me words of hope when I feel unclear and scattered. You bring me back to grace and love!💜

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