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Clear the Fog

Writer's picture: Angela O'Brien-GreywittAngela O'Brien-Greywitt

It is foggy out today on this day after the presidential election in the United States. The nation is split right down the middle and many grieve while others celebrate the outcome. It creates a fog within and Mother Nature is reflecting that back in kind. The universe supports our intentions and mirrors back to us what we think, feel, and focus on. I intend to develop clarity and to clear the fog.

As my husband made the coffee this morning and turned on the news to witness the election results. I knew the best place for me was to find sanctuary and quietude on my meditation cushion and breathe deeply, centering, and grounding myself in this moment unfolding.

As I breathe deeply, I place my hands over my heart, repeating the mantra, "I fill my heart with universal love and I radiate it out into the world and watch it come back to me. I allow the highest well-being for all to always be available in each and every moment." No matter what the outcome we can always maintain an inner peace, calm, and connection to what we prefer and hold the vision of a higher state of consciousness.

This shift in the political arena around the globe is revealing the truth of light and dark energies. We need the dark to propel us forward towards the light. It is an opportunity in disguise to raise our level of consciousness with awareness and self-observation.

Every memory or feeling we have is something we have experienced before and there is an echo or impression left behind. In any given moment, we can choose to feel something new, different, and align with who we wish to be.

We can shift to a higher more empowered feeling of truth and not go into the emotional responses of anger, resentment, or unjustness. We can heal the old patterns and imprints of injustice and rise above the fray. The shift is showing us our ability to allow these old emotions to flow through us and release them before they consume us. Feel it and let it go. Nothing can harm you unless you believe that it can.

I am following my heart and I trust in the upheaval of the old paradigms on earth that do not serve us. I send love and the power of trust energy to move people out of the way in politics that do harm to the people and to the earth. Shifts are happening globally and we are all a part of this magnificent yet tumultuous shift no matter how challenging it may be.

Our minds can easily take us into fear. Stay centered in peace. Stay in the highest frequency of love. Love for humanity will keep us lifted as we move forward. Watch, listen, and feel it all as things tumble out of the old and begin to crumble and keep the vision of peace, harmony, and observe your mastery of holding the vision for what can be.

Lift up my friends. Always lift up and hold the vision and trust in your connection to Divine Source and that all is in Divine order. I trust in the divinity of it all. All is happening for us and for our expansion into the greater quantum healing field for all to heal and vibrate anew resonance.

All is well. All is divine. Even though it may not look or feel like things are shifting into a higher frequency, they are dear ones, they are moving, shaking, and wobbling into the new for all to be embraced by the light.

Breathe in the energy of trust breathe out doubt. Imagine this energy of trust being emerald green with gold sparkles filling each cell with the energy of trust, loving kindness, and the expansion of Soul. Thank you trust energy for helping me to release all doubt and to receive in the flowing energy of trust as this universal shift of energy unfolds and the fog lifts us all into clarity.


2 comentarios

06 nov 2024

Such beautiful and wise words. Thank you for sharing them!

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06 nov 2024

All is Divine!

And we are truly powerful beings, individually and as a collective.

Holding focus on what I want and the vision of freedom for us all!

Thank you for your beautiful piece. Much appreciated this morning!

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