A moment in time has been captured in this photo. A glorious tree all dressed up in her finest fall performance in crimson red. A deep and rich passionate color of love comes to my mind. She vibrates, glistens, and shimmers radiantly in the light of the sun. A final curtain call before she surrenders.
It could be a gradual letting go or a few powerful gusts of wind may swirl her leaves into a beautiful dance of surrender as they scatter and fall graciously to the ground to begin life anew.
The tree does not try to hold onto her beautiful leaves. She has faith and trusts in the natural cycle of life. This is not the end. It is just another step in her journey as she trusts in what comes next. It is a time for rest and renewal.
Take a moment and observe the teachings of surrender that nature graciously offers. Trust the next step will be there for you, too, when you surrender the need to know what happens next on your own beautiful journey.
As I begin my morning mediation and automatic writing session...I breathe deeply three times centering into this now moment. I open the door to my heart and I trust the words trickling out my hand and onto the paper in an act of trust and surrender.
A wave of peaceful energy
filled with light and love
has opened up
all of the windows
into my soul
in total awareness.
Let go.
Let go.
Let go.
Let go of all that is not necessary to hold onto.
There is always peace residing in your higher consciousness.
Go there when you seek answers in lifting up your vibration.
All is calm.
All will be available.
All is okay in this moment.
You are right where you are meant to be.
Celebrate and embrace the journey you have taken.
All is welcome and all is well.
There is nothing that can take you out
of this place of deep surrender and serenity.
Bathe in this pure frequency of light, love, and heart.
She knows the way.
and trust
swim together
in the sea of surrender
it is abundant.
Open all the portals.
Let this loving vibration
pour over and through you
with unconditional love
as you unfurl
opening ever so gently
into the light.
I see surrendering as a delicate piece of fabric
billowing effortlessly
in this flow of loving energy.
It's easy to let go of the fabric.
Envision a long, rainbow-colored scarf
in the softest,
subtlest of hues
wafting gently in the air.
Allow yourself to release everything and surrender
with love and forgiveness
as you let go with your fingertips.
Watch it float away.
Release it.
Whatever you are holding onto
release it.
Thank it for all it taught you.
Let it gently,
and affectionately
sail away.
Love your beautiful words and the message from this lovely sacred tree 💗
I adore this... so sensual, so visual, so easy to connect with!
Perfectly times and a hugely soothing balm in this moment. Thank you for the exquisite reminder of surrender. 💜